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Writer's picture: jennetoddjennetodd

Setting the intention to live with impact can positively affect your bottom line through your approach of using the 4 key concepts outlined below. It’s been shown that extraordinary leaders more than double a company’s profits compared to average leaders...check out a great study & article from Forbes Magazine here.

Extraordinary leaders have been shown to double a company’s profit based on a 2015 Forbes study in which 3 types of leaders were compared: worst leaders, average leaders and best leaders, based on a number of criteria, including impact within their organization.

Most of us want to have an impact on our small (or big!) corners of the world. We truly do want to make a difference and the motivation to make our mark looks different for each of us - not better or worse, just different. Some of us prefer the behind-the-scenes approach where we quietly create lasting change from behind the red curtain, while others stand under a brightly lit spotlight while glitter gently falls and our audience applauds (cue the confetti). Either way, you’re here for it and that’s what makes the world a beautifully interesting place!

Some seek to be in service to others and feel good about doing it, some people have motivation to seek status and significance and some are in search of recognition for leadership skills or brilliant initiatives to mentor the next generation (where are my contribution junkies at?!). Whatever the reason, YOU are part of an elite group of people who change the world for the better. You all win the greatest award in my books. Ensure you you, but do it with a heart of service and contribution. You have to be obsessed with serving. You have to be obsessed with contributing more than anybody else.

Regardless of how you do it, the drive to have impact is commendable - we are thinking beyond ourselves, seeking to contribute to humanity. The impact we can have through our businesses is something that often gets overlooked as one of the benefits of being a great leader. Our professional lives and the positive change we can create within them allow us to have a measurable impact in our organizations, industries, communities and ultimately, the world… yes, the whole wide world! The reason this opportunity for impact is often overlooked is because we become focused on processes and procedures, systems and productivity, expansion and earnings instead of contribution. We have great capabilities to contribute at a high level but sometimes lack the awareness and confidence to know that it’s possible. Always begin with developing your own mindset and the profit will follow. If your self-worth is low, your value in the market place will be low. If you don’t value and believe in yourself no one else is going to believe in you.

Having impact WILL take your business to the next level while enriching the lives of others, simultaneously. You need to understand the powerful impact that only you can have. We need to get out there and add so much value that we can’t help but increase the bottom line for our business.

Part of gaining the confidence to share your gifts with the world is engaging in an honest conversation with yourself.

  • Seek to identify your strengths, as well as highlight areas in which you need to increase your skills. What strengths do you possess that could help you to have more impact and influence in your organization? Start thinking about them, especially the ones that have brought you success in the past and create a powerful list of resources from which to draw upon as needed. Here are some examples:

    • Positive reputation that others admire

    • Problem-solving skills

    • High level of integrity

    • Emotional intelligence and perceptiveness

    • Charismatic personality

    • Strong social networks

  • Engage in self-assessment. This type of introspective analysis builds confidence because it creates a sense of congruence between reality and perception. We often get stuck on thoughts which may or may not be true rather than making a plan to dial-in the right things. Have you been telling yourself any version of the following?

    • “It’s already been done”

    • “I’m not equipped”

    • “Others are better at it than me”

    • “What will people think?”

The list goes on and our ability to have impact is significantly challenged when we partner with these self-deprecating thoughts. It’s time to identify the lies and pull out the gold. It is our responsibility to overcome this mindset so we can leave a little sparkle wherever we go.

Grab your self-assessment tool here.

How to re-sparkle when things feel off: Create more energy

The best way for us to perform at our highest level is by taking control of our energy - not in a woo-woo way (awkward laugh goes here!), but in a way that infuses our interactions and relationships with the zest and vibrancy they deserve. Contrary to popular belief, we actually need to create our own energy - it’s never just going to show up. We spend time and entertain countless excuses waiting for that magical energy (that others seem to have) to show up. In the words of Jack Johnson, we are “Sitting, Waiting, Wishing”. But it’s never coming unless we command a higher level of energy and take the steps to CREATE it.

Want the best kept secret when it comes to taking control of and generating your own, endless source of energy? Own the responsibility to shift your own energy. I don’t know about you, but I’m after the kind of life that feels naturally charged, engaging and enthusiastic (where others feel the magnetic pull toward me and can’t quite put their finger on why)... It’s simple - identify which activities energize you and do those things often (sorry, no Weight Watchers quick fix here). Is it moving your body (even when you have to drag your ass out of bed, put on your running shoes only to realize day after day, you feel waaaay better once you get started?), dancing, singing, being in nature, laughing, creating, having soulful conversations?

It’s equally as important to know which things you need to avoid to keep your sparkle lit. If late nights, too much screen time, mindless scrolling on social media, sugar, toxic people, etc. are leaving you feeling empty, frustrated or unmotivated, it’s time to get really real with yourself and make some changes. You have the power to apply the discipline required to stop doing these things. It’s as simple as that. Those who have the greatest ability to impact others are the ones who hold themselves to high standards of excellence by employing the habits that serve them best. When we do better and when others see us doing better, we bring congruence into sharp focus and the result is an increased level of confidence in the difference we can make.

This month, we’re going to touch on 4 ways to increase our impact, especially as it pertains to business leadership. You’ll want to stay tuned as we dive into best practices for each of the following:

  • Leadership

  • Influence

  • Contribution

  • Connection

Let’s recharge our businesses as we head into the summer months rather than metaphorically closing down shop like so many businesses do. If you feel tired, that’s the first indication that you need to take responsibility and set yourself up to generate energy you need to run your business from a place of impact. Thank you for being the leaders the world so desperately needs right now. Positivity flows through you.

If all of this aligns with you and you are looking to up-level your business, I have some amazing offerings for you right now! Connect with me today to learn more!


© 2024 Shift Collective 

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